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Wood-Hill, M.
Tlie Red Robe; Sally, Irene and Mary; Good Night Ladies. Scenarist for motion picture studios in Holly­wood. Songs: "Darling"; "Little Wall­flower"; "Dancing Will Keep You Young"; "Selling Gowns"; "Lovely Lady"; "Breakfast in Bed"; "Rosy Posy"; "Just Like a Doll"; "Mr. and Mrs."; "Just a Regular Girl"; "Land of Mine ; "When Hearts Are Young." Address: Estate, c/o ASCAP.
Wood, Guy B., composer, author; b. Manchester, Eng., July 24, 1912. ASCAP 1940. To U.S. 1931; citizen 1935. Educ.: Manchester Coll. of Technology, public schools, Manches­ter; New York Univ. Music with pri­vate tutors. In foreign production de­partment motion picture studios, Hollywood, 1931-37. Organized own orchestra 1938-41, in various ball­rooms and hotels. U.S. Army, World War II, 1942-44. Songs: "Till Then"; "Shoo Fly Pie, and Apple Pan Dowdy"; "Rockabye Bay"; "Taint No Good"; "An Old Curiosity Shop"; "The Lady With the Red Hair"; "After All"; "Fishm For the Moon"; "Azusa", "That's Gratitude"; "Music From Beyond the Moon"; "Cincinnati Dancing Pig"; "Zither Serenade"; "The Photographer and the Stenog­rapher"; "October Twilight"; "The Music of Love" (theme song Bell Telephone Hour); "Once In a Life­time (Only Once)"; "Are You Waiting For a Miracle to Happen?"; "Hobo Boogie"; "Never Let the Sun Set On a Quarrel"; "Bobolink." Home: New York, N.Y. Address: c/o ASCAP.
Wood, Leo, composer, author; b. San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 2, 1882; d. New York, N.Y., Aug. 2, 1929. ASCAP 1921. Educ.: San Francisco Catholic School and Junior College. Wrote spe­cial material for vaudeville performers and productions Mimic World; Linger Longer Letty. Contributed material to Fascinating Kiddies; wrote and per­formed in radio. Songs: "When the
Autumn Leaves are Falling"; "Some­body Stole My Gal"; "Runnin Wild"; "Wang Wang Blues"; "Honest and Truly ; "Cherie"; "You Broke My Heart to Pass the Time Away"; "Lips ; "Good Night"; "Nickel in the Slot." Address: Estate, C/C ASCAP.
Woode, William Henri, composer, arranger; orchestra leader; b. Omaha, Nebr., Sept. 25, 1909. ASCAP 1942. Educ.: Colorado Springs Junior High and Colorado Springs High School. Piano with Prior, also Dean Hale at Colorado College. Played piano and organ in theaters at fourteen; con­ductor and arranger for popular or­chestras. World War II, N.S. Navy, two and one-half years; organized service band and continued band af­ter war. Works: "Rosetta"; "You Taught Me to Love Again"; "Now You Know"; "Bumble Bee Stomp"; "Crazy Little Dream"; "Sweet Slum­ber"; "Moon Nocturne"; "Broadway"; "Scenario Music to a Matinee Idol," piano solo; "Here I Go Just Dream­ing Away"; "With Christmas Morn­ing in My Heart"; "Record Shop on Anderson Street." Home: Denver, Colo. Address: c/o ASCAP.
Wood-Hill, M., composer, educator; b. New Yoik, N.Y., March 12, 1891. ASCAP 1941. Educ.: harmony with Henry Rothwell; instrumentation with Cornelius Rybner. Winner of national prizes in music composition. Founder of Brooklyn School of Music and the Hudson River Music School. Revived the Burns Cantata: The Jolly Beggars, for Banff Festivals, 1928-30, by com­mission of Canadian Government. Made transcriptions of Bach chorale preludes for quartet and string en­semble; Bach's five-voiced preludes and fugues, for full strings; Andante from Bach's Concerto in Italian style, for string ensemble. Orch. works: The Wind In the Willows; Adventures of Pinocchio, ballet; Courage; Fables of Aesop. Voice and chamber orch.: